Artistic Pursuits In Early Childhood
Teaching creativity and self expression is achieved in early childhood education through artistic pursuits such as music, drama and art. These mediums are important in that they teach children how to manifest their imagination and because they can have positive contributions to learning other hard skills later on in life: like science and maths. Early childhood teachers should foster brain development which results from learning music and the critical and reflective thinking skills which result from practising art in their classrooms.
Visual Arts
The visual arts pedagogy can support teachers alongside a strong understanding of the various artists which can contribute to classroom learning. When educators take the time to understand a plethora of artists, they gain insight into how different techniques and media can be used to promote children’s interests and holistic development. Visual artists, for example, can teach children to celebrate diversity; through the significance of colour and shape. One lesson could teach identity by having children pair up and paint the other child. By observing another child, children can learn and put to paper what makes them unique.
Other concepts which can be taught by practising visual arts include puppetry, light and shadow, patterns, shape, landscape, printmaking, watercolour and collage.
Music has long been regarded as an important foundation of early childhood education. From a very early age, children in learning environments are encouraged to listen to music and to respond by playing instruments, singing and beating out rhythms. Music is an integral part in most families, communities and cultures and is a powerful tool for children’s learning and development.
Within the classroom, music can be used at rest time to put children to sleep. Families can share music from within their home. Children can engage with different instruments to learn what sounds they make and to practice self expression along with some gentle guidance. Teachers should observe how children respond to music and can use music as a tool to set the mood of the classroom or to prompt certain activities.
Reflective Practice
Research states that engaging in reflective practice is a fundamental way to extend professional knowledge. Critical reflection on children‘s learning and development, both as individuals and in groups, drives the program planning and implementation. Critical reflection is also a teaching tool and can be used to introduce children to new experiences, new sights and new sounds. The challenge in reflective practice from a teacher’s perspective is to change how we see children’s artistic expression in order to support them in understanding the relationship between artistic pursuits and creativity. Incorporating arts pedagogy and supporting children in finding their own understanding of creativity and art is something that most educators should do on a daily basis.
At Robyn Taylor Early Childhood Centre, we incorporate a range of strategies to help children feel comfortable learning the arts pedagogy. If you would like to learn more about our visual arts and music curriculum, book a tour of our education centre or enrol your child, please use our contact page to reach out to us or call on 02 9705 8309.