Exploring STEM Activities For Early Childhood Education 

STEM education is a fundamentally important part of any child’s early education and often prepares the stage for later learning. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEM education encompasses all of these fields and, while seem advanced for early years education, is, in reality, incorporated into the classroom on a regular basis. STEM learning can occur indoors or outdoors. It is useful for developing critical thinking skills. STEM learning can be taught with the right guidance and in this blog post we outline six STEM learning activities that pre-schoolers can take on as part of their early childhood education. 

Go On A Nature Walk 

A nature walk is a great way to build an appreciation for the great outdoors and all the little ecosystems it contains. If you take pre-school-aged students on a nature walk, it’s a good idea to give each of them a reusable bag and encourage them to collect items from the environment that interest them. Small, round stones, leaves, seed pods and flowers can be taken home and arranged into categories according to colour, shape, size and texture. This engages basic maths and science skills. The lesson can be taken a step further if you have a basic knowledge of biology. The function of each item the student has collected can be explained in terms of its role in the wider ecosystem. 

Do A Cooking Activity Together 

Cooking with kids is a great activity that engages children with basic scientific principles such as heat, time and measurement. It’s also an excellent learning experience because children get to enjoy the products of their hard work after the lesson is complete. The lesson plan itself is relatively easy to put together: simply look up a recipe online and follow the steps contained within, letting your child measure and mix. Be sure to handle any responsibilities which are dangerous yourself: like putting things in the oven or chopping using sharp knives. This lesson employs basic science, technology and maths skills. 

Build Ramps To Test Which Objects Move The Fastest 

Use a board, a sheet of cardboard or a small table with one side raised to make a ramp. Then try rolling a series of objects down the ramp to see which one is fastest. Record your findings on a chart to compare which has the most mass and least friction. This activity teaches engineering and maths skills. 

Set Up Building Activities With Paper and Plastic Cups 

Present a challenge to students such as, ‘Who can make the longest bridge?’ Or, ‘Who can stack the tallest tower?’ Measure the length of the bridges and the height of the towers and record them on a chart to engage children’s engineering and maths skills. 

Play With Water 

Water is a rich STEM material and water play activities are a great way to engage kids. Provide a basin of water outside so you don’t have to worry about spills. Provide tools to experiment with measuring: like turkey basters, cups and containers. 

Contact Robyn Taylor  

At Robyn Taylor Early Childhood Centre, we incorporate a range of strategies to help children learn lessons through STEM activities. If you would like to learn more about the Robyn Taylor Teaching Method, book a tour of our education centre or enrol your child, please use our contact page to reach out to us or call on 02 9705 8309.