Encouraging good hygiene habits in children while they are young helps them develop good life skills and stay healthy.
Here are some simple hygiene rules you can follow to maintain a hygienic environment at home:
- Remind your child when they should wash their hands e.g. before eating, after using the toilet, after touching an animal etc.
- Model good personal hygiene skills, and describe to your child what you are doing. For example, seeing you wash your hands before cooking.
- Teach your child the importance of brushing their teeth twice a day. You may want to consult your child’s dentist to know if they need to floss as well.
- Remind your child to cover their mouth when sneezing or coughing.
- Teach your child how to blow their nose gently when it’s blocked, and throw the tissue in a dustbin immediately after.
- Encourage your child to think about why good hygiene skills are important
- Always have a spare set of clothes ready in case of any accidents e.g. toilet accidents or food and drink spills
- Keep your child at home when they are sick and potentially contagious
- While bathing daily is hygienic, it is not recommended to bathe babies daily. Visit Pregnancy Birth & Baby for more information on washing your baby.