Incorporating Mindfulness Practices into the Classroom 

Mindfulness is a centuries-old practice that involves bringing focused attention to the present moment. In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on infusing mindfulness into classrooms, recognising its potential to nurture and shape young minds. Passionate educator and mindfulness expert, Robyn Taylor, strongly advocates for this shift. 

Mindfulness in Schools 

There’s a growing body of evidence suggesting that mindfulness can significantly benefit students. It can help alleviate stress, improve concentrative powers, promote emotional regulation and foster empathetic understanding among peers. No wonder its inclusion is becoming a cornerstone of modern teaching methodologies. 

Not only for students, but mindfulness in the classroom can also do wonders for teachers too. It can help them reduce stress levels, improve classroom management and model positive behavior for students. 

Robyn Taylor’s Approach to Implementing Mindfulness in Teaching 

Hailed as a visionary in the field of mindfulness and education, Robyn Taylor, for years, has been instrumental in bringing mindfulness practices to schools. Her approach is unique and holistic, teaching children to acknowledge their feelings and emotions and respond to them rather than merely reacting. 

Beyond traditional sitting and breathing exercises, Taylor’s mindfulness techniques are multifaceted. She introduces mindful eating, praising the beauty of savoring each bite, pondering over where food comes from, the texture, the taste and then expressing gratitude for it. Her practices extend to mindful walking, deep listening exercises, body awareness activities and more. 

Robyn often shares the success stories from her classroom, where these practices resulted in positive transformations among students. One that particularly stands out is of a student with ADHD who, with regular mindfulness practices, was able to significantly reduce his reactiveness and display improved focus. 

A Step-by-Step Guide to Incorporating Mindfulness Practices in the Classroom 

Robyn Taylor offers several practical recommendations to seamlessly bring mindfulness into your classroom. Start with brief mindfulness exercises, gradually making them a part of the daily classroom routine. Allow students to share their experiences and feelings after each mindfulness exercise cooperatively. 

However, teachers may face several challenges while implementing mindfulness practices, from lack of time to resistance from students. Robyn advises, to begin with, creating a safe and calm classroom environment conducive to mindfulness practices. The teacher should also practice mindfulness to better guide their students. Using interactive and engaging mindfulness exercises can help keep students interested. 


Incorporating mindfulness in the classroom is a promising initiative, as emphasised by Robyn Taylor. The noted benefits for students and teachers alike make it a promising strategy for modern teaching. 

Ending on a hopeful note, she shows a vision for a future where mindfulness is not an isolated practice but an inseparable part of school curriculums worldwide. Viewing education as a means to holistically develop students, she believes that the inclusion of mindfulness can help achieve this goal on a larger scale. After all, mindfulness is not merely about being aware of the present moment, but also about building a better future.