Sleep Is Important For Children To Reach Their Optimum Performance Levels In All Areas Of Life
- Quality of sleep is as important as the amount of sleep your child has each night.
- A good sleep routine is essential for children’s sleep.
- A lack of sleep affects children’s behaviour, emotional regulation and school performance.
- Three year old’s need approximately 12 hours of sleep a night, six to twelve year old’s need 10 hours sleep a night.
- When children sleep each night the body reorganises chemicals that assist the communication of brain cells, which assist to eliminate toxins that cause disease whilst children are sleeping.
- The pituitary gland releases a growth hormone during sleep, which essential for their development.
- Children release proteins called cytokines during sleep, which assists to fight infections. The amount of sleep you get affects the immune system.
- Studies have shown children who don’t get enough sleep, are more inclined to get Type 2 diabetes; children’s bodies react better to insulin levels when they have enough sleep.
- Studies have shown children who have poor sleep habits are more inclined to have ADHD.
Let’s combat sleep deprivation in children.
Robyn Taylor
BA(Macq), MA(Syd), Dip Clinical Psychology(Syd)