The Brain Can Change Itself
The science of neuroplasticity of the brain has discovered that the brain can change its own structure in response to mental experience.
Children’s potential can be maximised via exercises that open new neural pathways to improve focus, memory, attention and performance. Children who have autism, attention deficit disorder, and learning problems can benefit from correct exercises that open new neural pathways, which will assist cognitive functioning.
Researchers have documented electrical, chemical, and structural changes that take place at synapses to amplify connection strength during learning. Correct exercises have resulted in improved spatial, verbal, mathematical performance, and general IQ.
The science of neuroplasticity has relevance for all stages in life. It most particularly provides sound building blocks for learning in the pre-school years. Programming at Robyn Taylor includes exercises and planned experiences, both indoor and outdoor, to assist the ‘opening up’ of neural pathways.
The benefits to our children will result in increased IQ, and success in a wide range of cognitive skills. Our programming also addresses social and emotional skills that children require. This in turn establishes a sound base from which children can excel in later years.
In my 45 years of working in clinical psychology, I have on my journey met and treated countless number of people, who are frustrated, depressed, anxious, and have anger management problems. This was a result of ‘square pegs trying to fit into round holes’.
Cognitive skills should be assessed in preschool years, followed by appropriate programming, which is implemented in the home and school environment, and which is continually reviewed periodically. This ensures the child develops optimally, to extend gifts and talents, and to assist learning difficulties; the concept of neuroplasticity at work. If this does not occur, our future children, adolescents, and adults will not reach their full potential, and are often ‘square pegs in round holes’ in the work place. Understandably, if this occurs there are secondary emotional problems, which develop as a result: anxiety, depression, and possible anger frustration.
Our centre aims at developing neural pathways which open new possibilities for learning, success and satisfaction.